
Thank you for all of your love and support I am so excited to share this experience with all of you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

All My Bags Are Packed....

I have said good bye to 32 YAGM today. There are just the 11 of us going to South Africa left on campus. Much to everyone's surprise I am packed with 2 hours to spare! We leave for the airport at 6 tonight. Fly out at 10:30 to Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurt to Johannesburg Thursday night. Then Jo-berg to Durban Friday afternoon. Needless to say, I am ready to be in the clothes I am wearing for quite some time. If everything goes as planned by Friday at 6 AM central time I will be where I am suppose to be! I feel all the things that are to be expected: excited, scared, nervous, ready, and joyful. One thing that I have been pleasantly surprised by is the way I feel ready spiritually. This week has literally filled me up. I know that I am with amazing people and an amazing opportunity. I cannot wait to see how I grow and learn from everyone I have yet to meet.

Love and Peace,

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels, young friend. Hope you have a good book or two to go along with your 3-day clothes! I'm sure by Friday you will be suitably jet-lagged and disoriented, but I am equally sure you will quickly plunge into the spiritual adventure awaiting you. No one can predict how it will happen, but you are about to make a real difference in the lives of people who don't yet even know you exist. But Joy, in every sense of the word, is winging their way! --- Hans
